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At the Quran Hour we donate proceeds to less fortunate kids so they can get an education just like our children. See below for more information.
One-to-one Learning

Our Goal

Our tutors do a fantastic job at benefitting your children by teaching them the most important and sacred part of our religion: the Quran.

However, we feel that there is a greater purpose for this platform: doing good for the society that we live in.

There are Muslim children all over the world who are less fortunate and are in dire need of an education. One can provide food packs as a short term solution – however, society is truly improved when its people are educated. This is the project that the Quran Hour has decided to take on, and thus we have partnered up with charities that directly help to better the youth by funding their Islamic studies or academic education.
The money that we get from you is allocated to tutors, with a percentage of the proceeds thereafter being donated to these charities.

Please see below for more information on the charities we donate to.

We will be updating each parent on the projects we send your money to so that you know what difference you are making.

Learning to recite the quran

Our Charities

We are working with Gift of Knowledge, which is a charity that caters to the same goal that we have: helping those who are in need of an education.

Through this charity, we are able to use the proceedings made on this platform to fund Islamic institutions in Nepal and an education facility in Pakistan, in addition to helping developing imams and scholars in a deprived area so that they can carry on with their call to Islam.

Our cause is a particular one and so we have chosen a charity that has similar aspirations.

Please follow us on the Quran Hour Relief Instagram page below to see the work you have donated to:

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