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Online Quran Tutoring for Your Child

An advanced and secure programme to teach your child the Holy Quran online
Qualified Quran Teachers

One-to-one and Group Classes

We provide a one-to-one online service to provide individualised support and group classes that help to increase confidence and fluency!
learn Tajwid and reading the quran

Online Halaqas

We conduct online Halaqas every weekend for our students so that they are aware of the Islamic understanding of current societal and world issues.
One to One tutoring, learning at your pace

Monthly Personal Progress Reports

You will receive your child’s progress report every month in which you can find details of what he/she learned from their lessons. These reports will be scored, with incentives provided for excellent work!

Simple, No-Fuss Subscriptions

At the Quran Hour we like to keep things simple. That's why we only offer two types of courses with options for two and three lessons a week, so your child can fit their Quran lessons into their busy academic schedules.

Meet Our Tutors


Proceeds go to Charity

We are involved in charities that make a difference for those children that are less fortunate than ours! Click here for more information.
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Completing the Quran
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