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The importance of making sure your children understand Islam in todays society

In todays day and age, religion is fast becoming a thing of the past. Thankfully, this isn't quite the case for Islam. Islam although effected immensely by todays secularism, it still remains firm in most of it tenants. Christianity and all other faiths are not so fortunate and have become victims to todays liberal and […]

In todays day and age, religion is fast becoming a thing of the past. Thankfully, this isn't quite the case for Islam. Islam although effected immensely by todays secularism, it still remains firm in most of it tenants. Christianity and all other faiths are not so fortunate and have become victims to todays liberal and secular ideology. In this article, we will discuss why it is important to teach your children Islam in todays everchanging society.

Surviving the fitnah of current world

We live in a very confusing time. Social media and the entertainment industry have encompassed the minds of our children. Netflix has started to produce films that are categorically against the faith of Islam. Social media is starting to push trends that are harram in Islam. All the while, we are allowing our children to be educated by this.

It is therefore very important that your children are taught Islam and its principles. Children are immensely influenced at a very early age so it is important to teach them when they are very young. Teach your children what the tenants of Islam are and what our belief and faith expects from us.

The struggles of a teenager

Your children wont be children forever. When they hit the age of 12-13, they will start to go through puberty. Its even earlier for girls. During these changes, there will be a huge change in their mindset. They will be at the peak of their desire to engage with the opposite sex.

Teaching your child the principles of Islam before they reach the age of puberty is very important. They must know how to anchor their emotions as puberty can be very harsh and certain moments during such times can define your child's life.

Attaining paradise

The most important reason to teach your child the religion of Islam is because it will bring them success in this world and the hereafter.

Ultimately, this is the number one reason as to why you should send your child to an online Quran institute for kids like The Quran Hour. The hereafter is the final destination and without Islam, our children will not be able to be successful in the hereafter. Teach your kids the right and wrong that Islam teaches.

Final thoughts

The Quran Hour not only teaches the Quran to children but will be teaching young minds the virtues of Islam in these testing times. Our online Quran institutes should not only be teaching the Quran but should make an effort to teach children the religion of Islam.

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