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What is an Islamic Online School and how can you benefit from it?

An online Islamic school is more than just learning the Quran. An online Islamic school is an online space where you can learn all aspects of Islam.

What does an online Islamic school consist of and how can one benefit from it? We will discuss this question in this article.

A place for Muslims to discuss their faith

Much of the times, within the fast paced society we live in, it gets difficult to stay in touch with your faith as day to day life is becoming ever so demanding. An online Islamic school helps to solve this problem as it allows people to access Islamic classes from their laptops. Any question regarding faith can be answered.

Teaching Islamic values

An online Islamic school is a place where one can learn not only the recitation of the Quran but also other subject matters such as creed and Islamic Jurisprudence matters. The society we live in today with liberal and other values, an online Islamic school is a great place for young people to touch base and reconnect with their own values.

A space for Muslims to connect with their faith

Society is changing and changing very fast. Going to the masjid is too demanding for some and lets face it, most people are just not bothered enough. There are other priorities so an online Islamic school that consists of all types of courses and daily lessons would be helpful for people that just need a place to connect with their faith.

Final words

There are online Quran institutes but an Islamic online school is needed more than ever. Children learning the Quran isn't the only thing that's needed. An online school will help for Muslims to touch base with their faith. The Quran Hour will be one of the first online Islamic schools to help make this idea an actuality. Watch this space!

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